E-events VZW

About us

Mission statement

E-Events is a non-profit organisation founded in 2005 to provide a professional structure for a very motivated group of young people who are interested in new media and technology and would like to use it as much as possible in their events. Some of these events are organized by E-Events such as Frag-o-Matic, one of the biggest lanparties in Europe. But E-Events is also a partner in other events which are using our products and/or services.
A large part of our activities consist of video services: video projectors, video cables/splitters, large video screens, video-editing, big-screen computer-gaming, etc…
The idea of organizing lanparties started way back in the nineties when gaming on the internet boomed and these gamers wanted to meet each other in the week-end to socialize and do tournaments together. Events of this kind grew bigger quickly and in the year 2001 two of the biggest lanparties in Belgium: Landinges & Frag-o-Matic started working together to organize even bigger events. Since then, a non-profit organisation was founded to deal with administration and insurances. This organisation was followed up by E-Events in 2005 when new Belgian non-profit laws came into effect.
In 2006, the Belgian government started monitoring lanparties for copyright piracy and a lot of young people hesitated to come to lanparty events due to the music and video’s on their PC’s. E-Events decided to work together with the authorities to make sure that the lanparty network is primarily being used for gaming and not for copyright piracy. Thanks to this approach people start trusting lanparties again and as a result our events get bigger every new edition. If you want to help E-events with one of our events please do not hesitate to contact us for a partnership deal or to join our crew.

What is a Lanparty?

LAN stands for Local Area Network. This is the technical term for a computer network, where ‘Local Area’ indicates that it happens within one location. We, as an organisation, provide such a network 10 to 100 times faster than the internet. The participants connect their PC to our network and power supplies. This way all computers are connected to each other, so that people can play mutually against each other for a complete week-end. The organisation holds competitions for the most popular computer games and the winners receive big cash prizes.

This is approximately the overall definition of a LAN event or “Lanparty”. But this is only a small fragment of such an event. First of all there isn’t such a thing as “the standard Lanparty”. Apart from the concept of “connecting computers on one network”, some organisations try to give their Lanparty something special/extra. Each edition has another “theme”. Lanparties are therefore more than only computers connecting with each other. We must first search for a suitable location, the power distribution needs to be adapted to support hundreds of computers, we always assure entertainment beside computers and the catering (which we still run ourselves) ensures a complete menu for the whole weekend …

On a LAN event (in our case) hundreds of people, friends of participants or other interested spectators come over to visit. It is in fact especially a social event, where people who know each other from the internet can meet each other in person on our event. These gamers come to our event from all over Belgium and even from other countries. The main language on Frag-o-Matic and in the gaming world is English. But a lot of participants prefer to use the local language which is Dutch (Nederlands).


Joost Gysemans – General manager
Tom Meijnaerts
Charlotte Bekovic
Koen van der Sanden

Legal Entity

E-Events is a non-profit organization (VZW)

VZW E-Events
Prof. Scharpélaan 90
BTW BE0871.628.142

E-Events VZW © 2025